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Drone services dedicated to helping people to lessen environmental degradation and improve the environment.


Helping to identify environmental issues & opportunities


Our drone service is dedicated to helping people to lessen environmental degradation and improve the environment. Our drones can be used for many different purposes to assist clients on their path to carbon positive including carbon offset project development.

Drones are effectively employed to survey and monitor properties and surrounding areas to assess aspects relating to an organisation's climate risk and environmental impact.  Drones can be used to identify afforestation or reforestation opportunities and are an easy and efficient option for tree plantation and crop inspection, inspecting forest areas, assessing damage by present or past natural disaster events, and even assistance with injured wildlife.

If you are looking to invest in rooftop solar, drones can provide a current and clear picture of the designated roof to highlight roof area condition, calculate roof area availability and capture before and after installation shots.

The photo shown here of the two human circles on the beach was taken at the Manyana Matters anniversary of the devastating fires that crashed through the district on 1 January 2020.

Get in touch if you would like to discuss our licensed drone services or need a quote for a proposed project.


“The drone operator from Eco Profit arrived on time, listened to what we wanted to see in each tree and explained what he would be able to photograph and how close he could get to each damaged area. We watched the images in real time and were able to help guide the camera to see what we needed to see. The resolution of the photos taken were excellent.  The drone aerial investigation was completed within a few hours and provided enough information for us to make informed decisions using the aerial close-up pictures. This method of tree assessment has proved to be a very efficient way of investigating.  I would recommend Ecoprofit to anyone...”

Derek Williams

Penrith City Council

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